Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hide House

Rob Deits, owner of Hide House in Napa, is currently assembling his new catalogue.  We look forward to seeing the Lightworks photos bring the hides to life! (boy, wouldn't that be weird?)

Hobaugh Interiors

I recently had the opportunity to work with Lynne Hobaugh, a wonderful interior designer that loves to play with form, texture and color that makes for an exciting presentation.  Watch for her upcoming website!

Lynne Hobaugh Interior Designs, Allied ASID

Helping Friends

 Don't you just love it when your friends are successful?  It's been a privilege to know Susan and Tanner for many years, they are wonderful people.

Susan wrote: 
"Dear Joe: Thanks so much again for shooting a great over picture.  I have gotten a  lot of compliments (and some teasing) over it...and already phone calls for business...so hopefully it is a good thing.  You are a great photographer.  God has gifted you and it's so nice to be able to have your passion be your career.  Hugs, Susan"

Susan's Contact Info:
Susan Bushby-Highness
"The Loan Lady"
Mortgage Solutions
1775 Lincoln Ave. • Napa, CA • 94558