Who doesn’t love a campfire? Well, maybe we got a little
carried away here…but it sure was fun!!
On the side, we volunteer with a San Francisco based group
Flaming Lotus Girls and spent our summer cutting, welding,
grinding and painting
a sculpture called Tympani Lambada. It is a representation of the tiny
bones and cochlea in our inner ears, enlarged to ginormous proportions! The
sculpture features audio hammers controlled by solenoids, a display of
constantly changing LED lights, continuous fire effects on the upper arches,
fire poofers (think 8 ft. poofs of flames overhead) controlled by anyone who
steps on a foot petal and a methanol fountain around the cochlea, which
produces an ethereal flame as it gently swirls down and is gathered in a large
cauldron. The methanol fountain is a silent beauty in contrast to the hammers
and poofs of fire in the background. The project was amazing and so are the
friends we’ve made.
One thing we’ve learned, if you want some inspiration, do
something different…and make it big!